
Princess of the Navajo Barbie
Princess of Ancient Mexico
Princess of England Barbie
Princess of Cambodia Barbie
Princess of ancient Greece Barbie
Princess of the Vikings Barbie
Princess of South Africa Barbie
Princess of the Portugese empire Barbie
Princess of Japan Barbie
Princess of the Danish Court Barbie
Princess of the Nile Barbie
Princess of Ireland Barbie
Princess of China Barbie
Princess of India Barbie
Princess of the Incas Barbie
Princess of the French Court Barbie
Peruvian Barbie
Polish Barbie
Puerto Rican Barbie
Polynesian Barbie
Parisian Barbie (2nd Edition)
Peruvian Barbie
Parisian Barbie (1st Edition)
Poppy Parker - Out of This World
Poppy Parker - Wedding Belle
Poppy Parker - The Midas Touch
Poppy Parker - Hippie Dippy
Poppy Parker - The Camera Loves Her
Poppy Parker - Spring Song
Poppy Parker - Go See!
Poppy Parker - Mood Changers - Lilac (Head # 3)
Poppy Parker - Mood Changers - Raven (Head # 2)
Poppy Parker - Mood Changers - Auburn (Head # 1)
Poppy Parker - Groovy Galore
Pumpkin (Lazarus Version) - variant
Pumpkin (Lazarus Version)
Pumpkin - variant
Principessa Barbie
Party Dress Barbie
Palm Beach Honey Barbie
Palm Beach Swim Suit Barbie
Palm Beach Breeze Barbie
Palm Beach Coral Barbie
Prima Ballerina Barbie
Parisienne Pretty Barbie
Preferably Pink Barbie
Pretty Pleats Barbie
Provencale Barbie
Porter 'Paintergeist' Geiss
Pierre DeVries - Rule Breaker
Pierre DeVries - Tête à Tête
Pierre DeVries - High Elite
Pierre DeVries - Turning Heads Blond
Pierre DeVries - Turning Heads
Pierre DeVries - Euphoric
Poppy Parker - Floating Dream
Poppy Parker - Ma Chérie


Год выпуска

Тип персонажа


